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Construction Supplies in the San Francisco Bay Area

We Value Our Customers Above All Else

At Westside Materials, we want to ensure our customers’ projects are a rousing success. While many customers focus on a few things, we strive to offer a comprehensive, one-stop-shop approach that serves all of our clients. Whether you are amid a home addition or a general contractor overseeing a massive project, you can count on our team to deliver unparalleled success. We have the experience and knowledge necessary to lead you in the right direction, and our team members are more than willing to go the extra mile for your project.

store interior

We Offer a Comprehensive Approach

We have multiple stores throughout the Bay Area offering over 3,000 products to concrete contractors – as well as homeowners. Everything from lumber to rebar and from ADA products to sealers is on the table. You can come to our stores to pick out void Styrofoam, expansion joints, safety supplies, waterproofing, power tools, rentals, and much more. As your one-stop-shop, we are proud to offer everything under the sun. We proudly welcome both contractors and homeowners to our versatile and expansive stores.


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We Are Always Available to Answer Your Questions

Westside Materials is a Central Concrete Supply Co division and offers all the products concrete contractors and homeowners everything they need to get the job done. In addition to providing supplies, we aim to improve our customers’ understanding of their projects, which is immensely valuable to homeowners who are embarking on an extensive home improvement project. Throughout the year, we hold product seminars and “how-to” courses at our various locations. Most importantly, we offer our customers delivery services, and our team members are always available to answer your questions.

Westside Materials

Toll-Free 866-422-4080

Se Habla Espanol

6 Convenient Locations

San Jose

San Francisco

South San Francisco


